

TFH Elk Grove Groups are centered around building community. They meet in Spring and Fall. Here, you can find something that fits your interests and passions.
Groups gather in homes, coffee shops, outdoor, and other locations, with the purpose of bringing people together to create communities where people can grow!

Men’s Group


Meets Bi-Weekly

Thursday at 6:30 pm

A study on – “Returning to Discipleship Making”

Men’s Group


Meets Bi-Weekly

Thursday at 6:30 pm

A study on  – “Stepping Out”

Marriage Group

Beth & Dale

Meets Weekly

Tueday at 7 pm

Women’s Group

Gwen and Kristen 

Meets Weekly

Wednesday at 6:30 pm

Bible Study – 1 Peter

Women’s Group


Meets Bi-Weekly

Thursday at 6:30 pm

Book by Christine Caine – “Don’t Look Back”


She is FREE

Leah and Ruth 

Meets Bi-Weekly

Sunday at 4:30 pm

Women's Group


Meets Bi-Weekly

Wednesday at 7 pm

A study called – “Free of Me”

Women’s Group


Meets Bi-Weekly

Thursday at 6:30 pm

Bible study – “What the Women Saw”

Prayer and Intercession

Pastor Norma

Meets Weekly

Tuesday at 11 am

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Your Best Life is Lived in Community!

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