Next Steps

Get CONNECTED and make a difference.


Baptism is the necessary step between the first moment of salvation and the life-long process of maturing in your faith.


Discover will give you an introduction to The Father’s House. You will hear about our vision and mission and how your life can flourish by being planted in community. You will also discover the heart of serving others and our community.

We will look at the example that Jesus set for us and how God has uniquely gifted you to make a difference in the world around you.

You will also meet ministry leaders and have the opportunity to join a team.

Find a group

TFH Elk Grove Groups are centered around building community. They meet in Spring and Fall. Here, you can find something that fits your interests and passions.

Groups gather in homes, coffee shops, outdoors, and other locations, with the purpose of bringing people together to create communities where people can grow!

Join the dream team

We would love to have you join our Dream Team. Every hand and heart that serves makes such a difference.

The Dream Team will serve at our weekend services to help fulfill the vision of The Father’s House.

Join dream team
